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Made with Peter Birkvig

This is Skipper's Pipes. It’s a licorice pipe.  Candy that is known and loved by all Danes. 

The very sweet guy in the video, is Sophie’s boyfriend François. He now lives in Denmark, and licorice is not the only thing about the Danes he doesn’t quite get. The humor is obscene, the language is a mess and the social life is nothing like in Southern of Europe. 

Danish companies like Lego, Vestas, Maersk and FLSmidth are highly dependent on expats. Unfortunately, expats don’t stay in Denmark. Actually, more than 50% leave the country within 5 years.

So why do they leave?
“There is joke amongst expats in Denmark; The Danish people are given a set number of friend tickets when they are born, and these are usually used up by the time they leave university. So unless someone dies or move away, there are very few vacancies.”


Turns out (surprise) that one of the best ways to learn a new language is to hear it a lot. Unfortunately, Danish public TV (DR) doesn’t provide subtitles for any of their programs in Danish.

With a simple plug-in, we give expats the chance to be a part of the lunch-chatter about the latest episode of X Factor, a better understanding of Danish humor, culture and politics - and hopefully pick up some language.

With references to all-time-classic Danish movies and series, we will make both expats and Danes laugh about the absurdity of Danish humor. 

We present conversation-starters to the expats. With target ads, during work-hours, expats can simply turn their head to a Danish colleague and ask. Both will share a laugh, and hopefully a conversation will start. 

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